Wills, Trusts and Estates

Experienced Estate Planning Attorneys

Wills, Trusts & Estates

Let Craig & Craig, LLC take the worry out of handling a loved one's estate

Planning for the future of your estate is a crucial step in safeguarding both your desires and your family's well-being. At Craig & Craig LLC, our committed team of attorneys assists our clients in crafting personalized estate plans and drafting wills that outline their present and future objectives.

Throughout your lifetime, you've dedicated yourself to hard work, amassed substantial assets, and enjoyed well-deserved pleasures with your loved ones. However, the course of life can take unexpected turns if you pass away or face physical or mental incapacity. In these circumstances, your family could find themselves in a precarious situation without a well-thought-out estate plan in place.

The attorneys at Craig & Craig, LLC can assist you in ALL aspects of estate planning and defense. Sadly so many Wills and Trusts are poorly drafted or subject to attack that many estates go to costly litigation and court battles to fight over assets. We can help you avoid that as much as possible. 

An estate plan should evolve with the changes in your life. Whether you've experienced a divorce, remarriage, welcomed a new grandchild, established a business, or received an inheritance, it is imperative to revisit and update your estate plan.

Wills, Trusts and Estates

Our legal team is experienced in the thorough preparation of estate planning documents including:

  • Wills
  • Whether a simple will suffice or a more detailed one is necessary for a vast and complicated estate, we can help you draft wills, review them, or change existing wills.
  • Trusts
  • This document allows you to manage your estate and designate beneficiaries while you are still alive
  • Guardianships
  • The need to name the person(s) who will take care of you if you become mentally or physically incapacitated.
  • The Probate Process
  • Settling your estate, paying outstanding debts or taxes and resolving disputes among heirs.
  • The Probate or Trust process can get complicated after a loved one passes. Let us deal with all the legal and statutory duties so you don't have to. 
  • Living Wills or Health Care Directives
  • Providing instructions to doctors as to whether you want to continue with treatment or not if you are incapacitated.
  • Naming of Powers of Attorney
  • These trusted people, who you choose, will make health- and financial-related decisions for you if you are unable to do so.

Protect your assets

Do not wait until a you or loved one passes away. Act now while the choice is yours to plan and control where and what assets go to who. 

Make a CEP today

Create a Comprehensive Estate Plan for your family's future by consulting one of our experienced legal team members at Craig & Craig, LLC. Plan now for your life after death. 

Schedule a Consultation

Call us to schedule a consultation today! We promise to speak in plain language that you understand and explain every detail, so you feel comfortable knowing exactly what is going to happen and when. No surprises.

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